Friday, June 26, 2009

It's haying time and my first chance to see how it's done. First, I got to help replace broken teeth on the hay rake, making me feel like something of a mechanic. The emphasis there would be on "something". I thought of a child's joy in doing or helping with "big people work" as I enjoyed the simple pleasures of tightening bolts with the right tools for the job. Today, I am not enjoying the repercussions of parking the rake in poison ivy.

Afterwards, I rode with Ellen and two dogs on a one person tractor, getting an education about tractors in general and raking hay in particular. In the traffic of the hay field, we eventually passed Nathan, who was baling hay, and I was invited to switch tractors to receive more education. Nathan was driving a borrowed tractor (his is in the shop) and it includes two seats, air conditioning, and a radio. I learned that baling hay in the borrowed tractor is more desirable than raking.

Our yellow zucchini, cucumbers, lemon squash and radishes are starting to produce. We plan on having our first yields available at the Sulphur Springs and Frisco farmers markets tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog, Lauren! I'll look forward to your next post! :)
