Monday, October 12, 2009

On October 3rd Sue and I went on an adventure. We had been invited to participate in the Indian Summer Days event hosted by Hopkins County Museum and Heritage Park. I brought Rowena (my spinning wheel) and Sue came along to look cute. During the day people from Sulphur Springs wandered around enjoying the good weather and seeing sights from history.

Sue and I were a big attraction for people under the age of 12. I thought that I would be spinning for people to watch, but it turned out to be much more fun to let the kids try it themselves. After they spun their own wool thread I cut it off for them to keep as a bracelet. It always amazes me how far a little kindness and patience will go. I offered to let the parents try spinning but they were not as brave as their children. Kudos to the 4 adults who were willing to try something new.

Sue did not enjoy the day as much as I did, she resented being brought from home and treated like an animal. She had her own little pen and she spent the morning pacing it and complaining. I tried to lead her out once but she disliked the lead rope even more than the pen. So far, I hadn't let any children in with her because I wasn't sure how she'd take it.

When I was trying to calm her down about 8 children flocked over and I allowed them to come in. Almost immediately, Sue calmed down, laid down and almost fell asleep. Apparently there is nothing more relaxing than a lot of over excited little kids in a very small area.

The other highlight of Sue's day were the two dogs that visited her. One of them would have willingly chased her and probably tasted her, while the other was only mildly interested. Sue was beside herself with delight until their owners dragged them away. Some pygmy goats visited her but she was too snobby to notice them.

When we returned home, Mandie our guard dog and Sue's most constant companion, actually seemed glad to see Sue return. Sue was rather upset at being in a pen in the back of the truck and when we drove up Mandie immediately climbed up on the tailgate to see what was wrong and say hi. I was always under the impression that Sue adopted Mandie and Mandie tried not to acknowledge Sue's existence. I guess Mandie is sweeter than she likes to let on.

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